50 products
    Hoya Rope Plant
    from $20.86
    Begonia 'Rex' - 4 Pack Variety
    from $107.28
    Syngonium wendlandii 'Black Velvet'
    from $38.74
    Xanthosoma 'Lendenii'
    from $12.00
    Amydrium 'Silver'
    Begonia 'Maculata'
    from $44.70
    Philodendron 'Goeldii'
    from $35.76
    Apoballis 'Purple Sword'
    from $47.68
    Hoya 'Rope Plant' Variegated
    from $29.80
    Philodendron 'Prince of Orange'
    from $32.78
    Pothos 'Albo Variegata'
    Monstera 'Standeleyana Albo Variegated'
    from $92.38
    Scindapsus Pictus 'Exotica'
    from $23.84
    Philodendron 'Summer Glory'
    from $41.72
    Hoya 'String Bean'
    from $26.82
    Philodendron 'Snowdrift'
    from $47.68
    Boobie Cactus
    from $77.48
    Snake 'Fabi'
    from $7.00
    Philodendron 'Orange Marmalade'
    from $47.68
    Philodendron 'Tortum'
    from $29.80
    Geogenanthus 'Seersucker'
    Philodendron 'Billietiae'
    from $41.72
    Ctenanthe burle-marxii 'Amagris'
    Philodendron 'Variegated Ring of Fire '
    from $22.35
    Syngonium 'Red Arrow'
    Shark Fin Snake Plant
    from $38.92
    Alocasia 'Red Secret'
    from $35.76
    Philodendron Gloriosum 'Zebra'
    from $35.76
    Syngonium 'Milk Confetti'
    Fatsia 'Spider's Web'
    Philodendron 'Florida Green'
    Pothos 'Cebu Blue'
    from $23.84
    Philodendron 'Silver Sword'
    from $32.78
    Philodendron 'Ring of Fire Gold'
    Calathea 'White Fusion'
    from $41.72
    Monstera 'Peru'
    from $28.31
    Philodendron 'Moonlight'
    from $23.84
    Anthurium 'Radicans x Luxurians'
    from $77.48
    Philodendron 'Painted Lady'
    from $44.70
    Alocasia 'Mirror Face' - 4" Pot